Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1 - Review on Powerpoint Presentation

Graduation and Dropout Rates - the statistics for dropout rates are startling. There are many reasons for this. It seems that socio-economic status, race and gender are major contributing factors. You would think that our nation would have closed the gap, yet all studies so far have yielded the same results. I agree that education is in trouble becauses of the reasons stated. I wonder when the testing will change to meet the needs of all students? Standardized tests are not a one fits all solution. We have to keep in mind that just about every statistic can be debated.

High School PSSA Scores (School Location) - proficiency levels in reading and math higher in rural setting. Ethnic students tend to live in the cities. Location has a great effect on how students perform. This presentation made me think that most teachers do try their best to teach their students - the teachers that I know are very dedicated to their profession. Socioeconomic status often dictates where one lives, so where a student lives would have an effect on PSSA scores. I still feel education is in crisis. Regardless of the reason why, minority students are still performing below the other ethnic/race groups.

Reading Scores 9-13-17/Graduation Rates - Stats are relatively the same since 1971. Scores are higher, but we live in an age of information. Graduation rates - more males drop out than females (breadwinner?) Black females in the northeast have the lowest graduation rates. White and Asian females have the highest grad. rates. White males have the highest grad. rates. American Indian males the lowest. We are 16th in grad rates around the world. US has more students in HS than other countries - are we really that far behind?

Reading Scores - 5th Grade 2003/04 - Our group focused on "Are PSSA Tests Fair to All" - We feel that there is so much diversity in the student population & learning styles that standardized testing is not a true measure of a student's ability. We spend too much time "teaching to the test," yet we differentiate our teaching in the classroom to meet the needs of our students. This is such a discrepancy!! All students cannot possibly be 100% proficient.

How these presentation relate to the formula discussed in class was extremely interesting. Will be dissatisfied enough to change the system? Some people believe changing the president will change everything, but I feel it is a socioeconomic issue.

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